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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Book club will be meeting today during both lunches.

Attention grade 9 math students, Mr. Todd has a few extra spots available for anyone who wants to write the grade 9 math contest next Tuesday.  See Mr. Todd in room 202 during your lunch if you are interested.

Attention concert band, please come to the music room immediately after the bell.  We will be leaving for Festival in a few minutes.

Tuesday, February 19, 2010

Attention Concert band, the final rehearsal for festival is today after school.  Please bring all outstanding permission forms.  Choir practice is cancelled tonight.

SHAC will be meeting today at lunch.

Book club will be meeting tomorrow-Wednesday during both lunches.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Have a lovely Family Day.

Friday, February 15, 2019

No Announcements Submitted

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Attention swim team, your jackets are ready for pick up.  Please see Ms. DaSilva in room 267 during your lunch to pick it up.  Check D2L for more details.

Any boys in Grade 11 or 12 interested in playing Senior Boys rugby are asked to attend an important meeting in room 112 at the beginning of Senior lunch tomorrow-Wednesday.

Any boys in Grade 10 interested in playing Junior Boys rugby or grade 9 boys interested in playing Midget rugby are asked to attend an important meeting in room 112 at the beginning of Junior lunch this Thursday.

Attention music students, concert band will be having an extra rehearsal today after school, in addition to Wednesday’s regular practice.  Please make every effort to be at both because festival is next week.  Vocal ensemble rehearsal will be cancelled this week as a result of this change.  Again, concert band is practicing both today and tomorrow this week.

Are you travelling to France and Italy this March break with Mrs. Distefano and Ms. Davies, then this message is for you.  There will be a mandatory lunch meeting today regarding this trip.  Please meet Ms. Davies in room 231 at the beginning of lunch if you have junior lunch and meet Mrs. DiStefano in room 232 at the beginning of lunch if you have senior lunch.  Bring your lunch.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Grade 12 students interested in applying for a Stedman Foundation bursary, please come to Student Services to obtain more information.  These bursaries are intended for students who might otherwise be unable to finance a post-secondary education (even with the help of OSAP).  Applications for the bursaries are due by April 30, 1019.

Attention students looking for an opportunity to accumulate volunteer hours.  Please see Student Service’s secretary Mrs. Spiers, for information on snow shoveling and house cleaning for a senior.  Students are reminded to check with their Guidance Counsellor or Mrs. Spiers if they are not sure if their planned volunteer activity counts towards the graduation requirement.  Community hour sheets are available in Student Services’ office.  Students are encouraged to hand in their Community Hours sheets to Student Services as soon as the volunteering has taken place.

Attention swim team, your jackets are ready for pick up.  Please see Ms. DaSilva in room 267 during your lunch to pick it up.  Check D2L for more details.

Any boys in Grade 11 or 12 interested in playing Senior Boys rugby are asked to attend an important meeting in room 112 at the beginning of Senior lunch this Wednesday.

Any boys in Grade 10 interested in playing Junior Boys rugby or grade 9 boys interested in playing Midget rugby are asked to attend an important meeting in room 112 at the beginning of Junior lunch this Thursday.

This is a reminder to all rugby girls that the practice originally scheduled for tonight has been moved to tomorrow at 6:00 p.m.

Attention music students, concert band will be having an extra rehearsal this week on Tuesday after school, in addition to Wednesday’s regular practice.  Please make every effort to be at both because festival is next week.  Vocal ensemble rehearsal will be cancelled this week as a result of this change.  Again, concert band is practicing both Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Grade 12 students interested in applying for a Stedman Foundation bursary, please come to Student Services to obtain more information.  These bursaries are intended for students who might otherwise be unable to finance a post-secondary education (even with the help of OSAP).  Applications for the bursaries are due by April 30, 1019.

Attention students looking for an opportunity to accumulate volunteer hours.  Please see Student Service’s secretary Mrs. Spiers, for information on snow shoveling and house cleaning for a senior.  Students are reminded to check with their Guidance Counsellor or Mrs. Spiers if they are not sure if their planned volunteer activity counts towards the graduation requirement.  Community hour sheets are available in Student Services’ office.  Students are encouraged to hand in their Community Hours sheets to Student Services as soon as the volunteering has taken place.

Attention swim team, your jackets are ready for pick up.  Please see Ms. DaSilva in room 267 during your lunch to pick it up.  Check D2L for more details.

Any boys in Grade 11 or 12 interested in playing Senior Boys rugby are asked to attend an important meeting in room 112 at the beginning of Senior lunch this Wednesday.

Any boys in Grade 10 interested in playing Junior Boys rugby or grade 9 boys interested in playing Midget rugby are asked to attend an important meeting in room 112 at the beginning of Junior lunch this Thursday.

This is a reminder to all rugby girls that the practice originally scheduled for tonight has been moved to tomorrow at 6:00 p.m.

Attention music students, concert band will be having an extra rehearsal this week on Tuesday after school, in addition to Wednesday’s regular practice.  Please make every effort to be at both because festival is next week.  Vocal ensemble rehearsal will be cancelled this week as a result of this change.  Again, concert band is practicing both Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Attention students wishing to fill in their community service hours sheet, St. Pius X Youth Group invites all students in high school to join us on Friday, February 8th for our annual Kookies for Kenya campaign.  We will be meeting in the church hall right after school and going until 8:00 p.m. to bake and decorate a huge quantity of sugar cookies for sale after all masses on the weekend.  The profits from these cookies go to support the work of the School Sisters of Notre Dame in Kenya.  Please come join right after school until 8:00 p.m. today Friday, February 8th.

Attention Grads, reminder that Grad Photo retakes are scheduled for February 26, 27 and 28th.  If you should need a retake photo you must schedule a time in Student Services with Mrs. Spiers.  If you have not had your graduation photo taken you must also see Mrs. Spiers to arrange a photo during the retake days.  Also, a reminder that any Valedictorian nominations must be submitted to Mrs. Camilleri by 3:00 p.m. today Friday February 8, 2019.  All graduation information can be found on  Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Did you take art with Mrs. DiStefano, Mr. Dobrowolski or Ms. Davies in Semester 1.  They thank you for wowing them with your artistic skill and creativity which produced great Artwork.  Now however, it is time to take your Artwork home.  Please pick up any art portfolios, pottery, photography projects, etc. ASAP.  After this Friday, the left behind art work will be purged, since we need the space for the new semester.

Attention students looking for an opportunity to accumulate volunteer hours.  Please see Student Service’s secretary Mrs. Spiers, for information on snow shoveling and house cleaning for a senior.  Students are reminded to check with their Guidance Counsellor or Mrs. Spiers if they are not sure if their planned volunteer activity counts towards the graduation requirement.  Community hour sheets are available in Student Services’ office.  Students are encouraged to hand in their Community Hours sheets to Student Services as soon as the volunteering has taken place.

There will be badminton tryouts on Monday, February 11th  at 7:00 am sharp.  Bring proper gym attire and running shoes if you are interested.  Speak to Mr. Yakymyshyn or Mr. Perras for further details.

SHAC will be meeting today at lunch.

Attention swim team, your jackets are ready for pick up.  Please see Ms. Da Silva in Room 267 during your lunch to pick it up.  Check D2L for more details.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Attention students wishing to fill in their community service hours sheet, St. Pius X Youth Group invites all students in high school to join us on Friday, February 8th for our annual Kookies for Kenya campaign.  We will be meeting in the church hall right after school and going until 8:00 p.m. to bake and decorate a huge quantity of sugar cookies for sale after all masses on the weekend.  The profits from these cookies go to support the work of the School Sisters of Notre Dame in Kenya.  Please come join right after school until 8:00 p.m. this Friday, February 8th.

Attention Grads, reminder that Grad Photo retakes are scheduled for February 26, 27 and 28th.  If you should need a retake photo you must schedule a time in Student Services with Mrs. Spiers.  If you have not had your graduation photo taken you must also see Mrs. Spiers to arrange a photo during the retake days.  Also, a reminder that any Valedictorian nominations must be submitted to Mrs. Camilleri by 3:00 p.m. on February 8, 2019.  All graduation information can be found on  Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Did you take art with Mrs. DiStefano, Mr. Dobrowolski or Ms. Davies in Semester 1.  They thank you for wowing them with your artistic skill and creativity which produced great Artwork.  Now however, it is time to take your Artwork home.  Please pick up any art portfolios, pottery, photography projects, etc. ASAP.  After this Friday, the left behind art work will be purged, since we need the space for the new semester.

Attention students looking for an opportunity to accumulate volunteer hours.  Please see Student Service’s secretary Mrs. Spiers, for information on snow shoveling and house cleaning for a senior.  Students are reminded to check with their Guidance Counsellor or Mrs. Spiers if they are not sure if their planned volunteer activity counts towards the graduation requirement.  Community hour sheets are available in Student Services’ office.  Students are encouraged to hand in their Community Hours sheets to Student Services as soon as the volunteering has taken place.

Attention students participating in Mock Trial, there is a meeting after school on Thursday in Room 116.  Please bring your copy of the case.

Students who want to write the grade 9, 10 or 11 math contests should see Mr. Todd or their math teacher by today.

There will be badminton tryouts on Thursday at 7:00 am sharp.  Bring proper gym attire and running shoes if you are interested.  Speak to Mr. Yakymyshyn or Mr. Perras for further details.

Attention Music students, all rehearsals will run this week as usual.  Once again, both bands and the choir will be practicing this week after school.  All members are expected to attend.

Attention all students from Madame D’Eramo’s semester 1 homeroom.  Please come by and pick up your movie certificate if you participated in the contest on the last day before Christmas.

Attention swim team, your jackets are ready for pick up.  Please see Ms. Da Silva in Room 267 during your lunch to pick it up.  Check D2L for more details.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Attention students wishing to fill in their community service hours sheet, St. Pius X Youth Group invites all students in high school to join us on Friday, February 8th for our annual Kookies for Kenya campaign.  We will be meeting in the church hall starting right after school and going until 8:00 p.m. to bake and decorate a huge quantity of sugar cookies for sale after all masses on the weekend.  The profits from these cookies go to support the work of the School Sisters of Notre Dame in Kenya.  Please come join right after school until 8:00 p.m. this Friday, February 8th.

Attention Grads, reminder that Grad Photo retakes are scheduled for February 26, 27 and 28th.  If you should need a retake photo you must schedule a time in Student Services with Mrs. Spiers.  If you have not had your graduation photo taken you must also see Mrs. Spiers to arrange a photo during the retake days.  Also, a reminder that any Valedictorian nominations must be submitted to Mrs. Camilleri by 3:00 p.m. on February 8, 2019.  All graduation information can be found on  Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Did you take art with Mrs. DiStefano, Mr. Dobrowolski or Ms. Davies in Semester 1.  They thank you for wowing them with your artistic skill and creativity which produced great Artwork.  Now however, it is time to take your Artwork home.  Please pick up any art portfolios, pottery, photography projects, etc. ASAP.  After this Friday, the left behind art work will be purged, since we need the space for the new semester.

Attention students looking for an opportunity to accumulate volunteer hours.  Please see Student Service’s secretary Mrs. Spiers, for information on snow shoveling and house cleaning for a senior.  Students are reminded to check with their Guidance Counsellor or Mrs. Spiers if they are not sure if their planned volunteer activity counts towards the graduation requirement.  Community hour sheets are available in Student Services’ office.  Students are encouraged to hand in their Community Hours sheets to Student Services as soon as the volunteering has taken place.

For all those students who are interested in playing girls rugby this year, tryouts start tomorrow-Wednesday.  Permission forms and schedules are available outside Room 149.  You need the permission form to participate, so don’t forget to get yours signed.  There will be an important, but brief, meeting at the beginning of both Junior and Senior lunches today in Room 149 to discuss the upcoming season.

Attention students participating in Mock Trial, there is a meeting after school on Thursday in Room 116.  Please bring your copy of the case.

Students who want to write the grade 9, 10 or 11 math contests should see Mr. Todd or their math teacher by tomorrow-Wednesday at the latest.

There will be badminton tryouts on Thursday at 7:00 am sharp.  Bring proper gym attire and running shoes if you are interested.  Speak to Mr. Yakymyshyn or Mr. Perras for further details.

Attention Music students, all rehearsals will run this week as usual.  Once again, both bands and the choir will be practicing this week after school.  All members are expected to attend.

We are going to jump right into STEM this semester with Lego Robotics.  Juniors will meet today at lunch and Seniors will meet tomorrow-Wednesday.  Both meetings will be in Room 134.
