Student Services
Student Services provides a welcoming environment which is open to all students who are in need of academic, career or personal counselling.
The Guidance Counsellors are available to help students in a variety of areas including course selections, post-secondary preparation, career planning and study skills. Course calendars from all Ontario colleges and universities, as well as many out of province post-secondary institutions are available for student use.
Parental involvement in their child's education is considered critical for the many transitions that the students face. Parents are kept informed through regular interviews and through grade focused meetings.
Our career education course and the Career Resource Centre provide students with opportunitis to prepare resumes, cover letters, interview and job search skill
Student Services Department Members:
Mr. Mathew Lynch - [Department Head / Students G - O]
Mrs. Lindsay Ronson - [Counsellor / Students A - F]
Ms. Toni Merks - [Counsellor / Students P - Z]
Mr. Ryan MacKinlay - [Student Success Teacher]
Mrs. Beth Spiers - [Secretary ]
Mr. Mathew Lynch Mr. Ryan MacKinlay
Department Head Student Success
Ms. Toni Merks Mrs. Lindsay Ronson
Guidance Counsellor Guidance Counsellor

Mrs. Beth Spiers Mrs. Althea Allen
Student Services Secretary Social Worker