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SJC Gazette - December 2023 Issue

In his Massey Lectures, writer Thomas King states, “the truth about stories is that is all we are.”  As I get older, and hopefully wiser, I am more and more inclined to believe in the truth of King’s statement.  While the physical building here at St. John’s College is made of bricks and mortar, the school is much more than that.  We are a collection of students and staff, each with their own unique story. 

After a few years in hibernation, the SJC Gazette has returned as a space for us to share our stories.  Whether they be about school sports, student events, the grade nine experience, NTS, or student council, these stories document our successes and near misses, both essential to the experience of life at St. John’s College.  So, take some time to read your stories St. John’s – after all, they are who we are. 

-Mr. Salciccioli