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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tickets for our Spring Musical, Bring It On, are now on sale in the Main Office.  Adults $15.00, Students and Seniors $10.00. 

A reminder that Le Club Francais will be meeting today during both lunches.  Please bring your lunch and come to room 210 at the start of your lunch period.  Venez au club francais.

Attention all students in need of volunteer hours.  V.O.N. Canada is opening a new clinic in town.  They are looking for volunteers to help them move into their new office on May 16 & 17.  For more information, including contact information, please come to Student Services.

Attention grade 12 students who have accepted admission to college or university, the staff of Student Services would love it if you would come by to fill out an eagle stating your name and the name of the college or university you are attending in the fall.  We’d like to post your eagle on the Leaving the Nest bulletin outside of Student Services.  Drop by and see us in Student Services.

Congratulations to the following students who have been awarded Students of the Month for April.  They are Guneet D, Hannah K, Giosef P, Chiara B and Matthew P.

Students wishing to acquire some community involvement hours should refer to the opportunities board outside of Student Services.  There is currently a need for a student or students to do some yard work for an elderly lady.  Please see the board for details.  Also, applications forms to apply to do hours with the city of Brantford for the Canada Day celebration can be found on Mrs. Spiers desk in Student Services.