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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

There is a new social justice club at SJC. It is called ACE. A.C.E. stands for Advocacy, Community and Empowerment. There will be an A.C.E. meeting open to everyone today at junior lunch in the Divine Mercy room. All are welcome to participate.

A reminder for the St. John’s College Varsity hockey team to return their hockey jerseys by Friday, March 11th 9 am to Miss Tobia in room 110. Any missing jerseys will need to be replaced and the fee will show up on school cash online.

Any boy in grade 11 or 12 interested in playing Senior boys rugby are reminded that practices are being held in the gym today and tomorrow from 6:30 – 8:00 pm.

Any boys in grade 9 or 10 interested in playing Junior boys rugby are reminded that practices are being held in the gym today and tomorrow from 5:00 – 6:30 pm.

Badminton practice tomorrow-Thursday, March 10th at 7am.

A reminder that Edge Imaging will be here today for those grads who booked a grad photo retake. Be sure to wear a white collared shirt and SJC tie and report to the back of Student Services five minutes before your appointment.

Attention students looking for community hours opportunities. The Paris Soccer Club is looking for volunteer coaches and assistant coaches. A notice is posted on the board outside of Student Services. Students can email the Paris Soccer Club at

This is a reminder that the Business Club meeting will be held today, after school in room 135. New members are always welcome.